Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Teaching the Kids to Climb

Climbing is such a good sport. Not only is it outside in some incredibly beautiful settings, but it is a great workout for the body and mind. Seth and I really wanted to expose his kids to this activity, so on their last visit with us, we spent a ton of time in several different areas.

This is me standing on top of Independence Tower in Smith Rocks, Oregon. This was a really good climb for the kids becuase it was about a 5-4, but with incredible exposure (on the back side which is not seen from this angle). It was a real confidence booster for them.

This is the belay ledge on Castle Rock. I am belaying Seth as he leads, Bex will follow and drag a second rope up behind. I will climb as Seth belays me from above. Rope management is very important, especially on multi-pitch climbs. I have the ropes butterflyed out over my personal anchor.

In this picture, I'm teaching Bex to rapell on a short route up Icicle Canyon.

The oldest daughter Bex was all over it. She did a multi-pitch climb at Castle Rock, and got her first lead climb on a sport route at Exit 38 in North Bend. That is why we call her Bextreme (Bex, for short). This is our Castle Rock summit picture.

The youngest daughter really pushed through a lot of fear and was super proud of herself (as expressed by the two thumbs up!). I was really proud of her. She still talks about it.

The middle daughter, Rachael, had the most courage and did well also.

This next year, for the winter vacation, we are going to take them to Whistler and teach them how to ski/snowboard. We got them up to Crystal Mountain last year for a day, but we'd like for them to begin to master that a bit more.

I'm bummed that I'll miss the visit this summer, becuase I'll be in my medicine rotation of 3rd year. Seth is going to fly them into the Bay Area and stay with his family. That's what we did at Thanksgiving, and they really enjoyed seeing family again. What they don't know, is that Seth bought them some VERY NICE mountain bikes and that they will spend a couple of weeks riding the trails around the area. The bikes are front suspension, with front and rear disc brakes. They will be able to take them home with them. It is a nice gift.

We have totally set them up with basic climbing grear, backpacking gear, and now mountain biking gear. So starting this next winter, our gifts to them will be experiential. So this winter is skiing/snowboarding. The following summer will be canyoneering in Zion. After that, we aren't sure, but it will definitely be fun, becuase we don't know any other way to live. :)


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