Saturday, July 15, 2006

How to prepare for a neuroanatomy exam

This is the 4th of July weekend prior to the dreaded neuroanatomy common exam. We are at the top of a very challenging two-pitch climb up the famous Castle Rock in Leavenworth, Washington. I am with my husband, Seth, and our good friend, Leo Kesting. They are both neurologists. Have you ever climbed (or done anything else) with two neurologists??? :)

Now you have to understand the nature of Leo. It was MEGA hot that day. By the time we got off of Castle Rock, the rock was literally burning our hands. So Leo had the great idea of swimming in the river afterwards. We found a great rock that we could jump off of, and even in 100 degree heat, I was shivering for about an hour afterwards. It felt good.

Then Leo suggested that we go have a beer and a burger and then CLIMB AGAIN!!! THAT is LEO. So we went down to Leavenworth to Gustav's and had beers and burgers, and then headed back up to Icicle Canyon to Mountaineers' Dome, and climbed until we ran out of light. We found the only resturant still open that night, a WONDERFUL Italian place for dinner.

It was a full day, to say the least. I was trashed. Leo absolutely, without a doubt, kicks my butt. :D


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